This is where you’ll find the most up-to-date information on who we are, what we’re working on, what we’ve done, and how we did it. And how you can, too!
Office: A-415, Level 4, New Academic Building, IIIT-Delhi,
Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3, Near Govindpuri Metro Station,
Delhi – 110020.
On the map, our lab is on the 4th floor of bulding under the marker.
I was inspired by Trevor Bedford’s and Allan Drummond’s clean, elegant, and functional site. More than inspired–I’ve copied many aspects of his site, from visual design to conceptual organization to under-the-hood code, at Drummond’s (public) invitation. Rather than branching his code, I started from a different boilerplate, and adopted/adapted bits of his code during customization.
Keeping with a major Jekyll Bootstrap idea, the site separates content and presentation. Presentation information is stored in a new theme, the lab
theme, which may be useful to other research groups setting up sites.
By using Sass for stylesheets, the site gets virtually all the advantages of using Less, while exploiting native Sass support in GitHub Pages. The site uses Google Fonts as well, primarily Open Sans.
The site’s source code is freely available on GitHub. All code is placed under the MIT license. You’re welcome to borrow / repurpose code to build your own site, and if you do, I’d appreciate attribution and a link back here.